In conjunction with Dave's 2010 Bum Tour, The Time is Now Tour seeks participant hosts to become part of a documented "trail of accomplishments." Invite Dave to visit, and then it's time to take action! As you--and possibly your spouse, significant other, family member, or friend--set about your undertaking, I'll join along as either an observer or participant. All experiences will be captured in writing and collected for future publication. Some experiences will be captured in pictures and/or video, also for possible publication.

You've got something you've been wanting to do or try, right? Maybe it's something grand like bungee jumping, sky diving, or white water rafting. Maybe it's something a little less extreme like visiting a museum or hiking a trail. It's even possible that you've just been wanting to try out a new (or new-to-you) restaurant or cook a new dish at home. However grand the idea, Dave is saying the time is now!

If you would like to be a part of this fantastic trail of accomplishments, just contact me and include your idea and the location.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Dave's "The Time is Now" Tour will not be providing any funding toward your endeavor, but Dave will pay his own way as a participant wherever applicable. Hosting expectations are outlined in Dave's 2010 Bum Tour "note" on Facebook, or contact Dave directly for details.

Following the Tour

As dates and locations are added to the tour, they will be posted to this calendar. Blog posts will periodically chronicle tour stops and adventures. Go to August 2010 to see the current schedule.

Tour Schedule

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Transition Day (August 10) and Cedar Point (August 11)

On Tuesday (August 10), I was in Elyria taking care of business. I washed clothes, renewed my car tags, packed for a 19-day road trip, and applied for a few jobs. It was a busy and long day.

Wednesday was Cedar Point day--woohoo!!! This was actually part of the "time is now" tour because it was Reggie's first time at the park since bariatric surgery, so he was riding many rides for the first time. I also rode a few rides for the first time (maXair, Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster, and Skyhawk). I do have one ride photo from the Maverick, but I will need to scan it when I'm at home after the tour. For now, here is a photo of our group near the end of the day (waiting in line for ride #2 on Maverick):
Me (Dave), Mike, Reggie, and Lesa
It did rain (pour) twice during the day, including once after some of our group had already changed into dry clothes. The rain ruined our attempt to ride every ride in the park in a day, but it was still a huge blast! My activities included the following: Magnum, Gemini, Mean Streak, Maverick, Mine Ride, Skyhawk, Thunder Canyon, Snake River Falls, Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Maxair, Matterhorn, and Chick-fil-A.

This was a very special and exciting day for me, among other reasons, because it was a return to my youth. Growing up, my family visited Cedar Point (or Kings Island) every year. At some point, I started going with school trips or with friends from school. When I moved to Arkansas for six years, I very much missed the Cedar Point experience. This was my first return to the park since 2003 (I went then for my 30th birthday). I still love it all, and I hope I return more frequently in the future.

I will make two comments for any future Cedar Point park goers: (1) ride the Maverick--it is an absolute thrill ride, and (2) check out the Starlight Experience along the Frontier Trail at night.

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