In conjunction with Dave's 2010 Bum Tour, The Time is Now Tour seeks participant hosts to become part of a documented "trail of accomplishments." Invite Dave to visit, and then it's time to take action! As you--and possibly your spouse, significant other, family member, or friend--set about your undertaking, I'll join along as either an observer or participant. All experiences will be captured in writing and collected for future publication. Some experiences will be captured in pictures and/or video, also for possible publication.

You've got something you've been wanting to do or try, right? Maybe it's something grand like bungee jumping, sky diving, or white water rafting. Maybe it's something a little less extreme like visiting a museum or hiking a trail. It's even possible that you've just been wanting to try out a new (or new-to-you) restaurant or cook a new dish at home. However grand the idea, Dave is saying the time is now!

If you would like to be a part of this fantastic trail of accomplishments, just contact me and include your idea and the location.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Dave's "The Time is Now" Tour will not be providing any funding toward your endeavor, but Dave will pay his own way as a participant wherever applicable. Hosting expectations are outlined in Dave's 2010 Bum Tour "note" on Facebook, or contact Dave directly for details.

Following the Tour

As dates and locations are added to the tour, they will be posted to this calendar. Blog posts will periodically chronicle tour stops and adventures. Go to August 2010 to see the current schedule.

Tour Schedule

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today is Day 13 of the current tour leg (since leaving Elyria), and Day 23 of my overall travels. The trip is absolutely fabulous, but I must also admit there is "wear and tear." At this particular moment, I am actually quite at peace and relaxed on the couch in Jacksonville, FL. I think I might relax a little in the pool, too, before heading out for more adventures. Still, despite the balance of excitement and serenity, there is a general "drain" for me that comes with living out of a bag and on the road. I think part of the drain is from segmentation--each place is something new and disconnected from the previous place, with only me (and perhaps this blog) for continuity. It makes me wonder how different--good or bad--this kind of adventure would be shared with someone else. The newness of each place is very exciting, but there is no denying the disconnect along the way. I suppose this is probably a road trip side effect for someone like me who puts a great deal of mental energy into relational concepts.

I'll be returning to Ohio in 8 days, and I'm looking forward to staying there for a bit. However, I don't plan on succumbing to inertia--it's a powerful draining force, and I intend to fight it. Life moves on, and I intend to move right along with it! As Jimmy Buffett put it, "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead" (and also, in the same song, "I'm growing older but not up" which should be my post topic about a week from now). Also, as Jennifer Daniels put it, "It's a good day to live," so I best be on my way to more living today!

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