In conjunction with Dave's 2010 Bum Tour, The Time is Now Tour seeks participant hosts to become part of a documented "trail of accomplishments." Invite Dave to visit, and then it's time to take action! As you--and possibly your spouse, significant other, family member, or friend--set about your undertaking, I'll join along as either an observer or participant. All experiences will be captured in writing and collected for future publication. Some experiences will be captured in pictures and/or video, also for possible publication.

You've got something you've been wanting to do or try, right? Maybe it's something grand like bungee jumping, sky diving, or white water rafting. Maybe it's something a little less extreme like visiting a museum or hiking a trail. It's even possible that you've just been wanting to try out a new (or new-to-you) restaurant or cook a new dish at home. However grand the idea, Dave is saying the time is now!

If you would like to be a part of this fantastic trail of accomplishments, just contact me and include your idea and the location.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Dave's "The Time is Now" Tour will not be providing any funding toward your endeavor, but Dave will pay his own way as a participant wherever applicable. Hosting expectations are outlined in Dave's 2010 Bum Tour "note" on Facebook, or contact Dave directly for details.

Following the Tour

As dates and locations are added to the tour, they will be posted to this calendar. Blog posts will periodically chronicle tour stops and adventures. Go to August 2010 to see the current schedule.

Tour Schedule

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tour Begins!

It's late, so I may need to post more from today at a later time. However, I'll do my best for the moment.

I started the day traveling to Bowling Green to take care of a few items, including the cashing in of 11 years worth of change (now gas money for the tour). While it was certainly time for that event, I added to the "time is now" tour by visiting a lawyer and drafting both a will and a living will. As a student at BG (through this coming Friday), I have access to free legal services through Student Legal Services, so I took advantage of the opportunity. I will actually finalize the documents by signing when I go back to BG next Monday. I'm glad to have this item off the list, and I look forward to not using either document!

I had lunch with my former grad student, Caitlin, which made me very happy as always. Then I played golf with Reggie, which also made me happy although I did not play well.

The tour kickoff was this evening--a cookout for my academic cohort at a classmate's house in Toledo. Below are just a few pictures from the event:
Part of the cohort with Dr. Mateso's dissertation!
Me trying to steal Dr. Mateso's dissertation
Meat. Grilled meat.
Although there wasn't a genuine "first time" event involved, this was a celebration and farewell for our first cohort member to earn the degree, Dr. Peter Mateso. It was definitely time to celebrate and to glean wisdom from Peter's experience before he goes back to Tanzania with his Ed.D. and dissertation in hand. It was certainly a good night for all of us!

I did not spend the night with my host, Gretchen, since I have an early morning departure from my parents' house on Tuesday morning to an event in Akron.

The drive back was long and dark, and I had trouble staying awake...UNTIL...I discovered my portable recording studio! I'm traveling with an audio recorder, so I decided to formally turn my car into a mobile recording studio. I will get the audio posted tomorrow, and I expect to have more clips in the future.

OK, I really need to go to sleep.

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