In conjunction with Dave's 2010 Bum Tour, The Time is Now Tour seeks participant hosts to become part of a documented "trail of accomplishments." Invite Dave to visit, and then it's time to take action! As you--and possibly your spouse, significant other, family member, or friend--set about your undertaking, I'll join along as either an observer or participant. All experiences will be captured in writing and collected for future publication. Some experiences will be captured in pictures and/or video, also for possible publication.

You've got something you've been wanting to do or try, right? Maybe it's something grand like bungee jumping, sky diving, or white water rafting. Maybe it's something a little less extreme like visiting a museum or hiking a trail. It's even possible that you've just been wanting to try out a new (or new-to-you) restaurant or cook a new dish at home. However grand the idea, Dave is saying the time is now!

If you would like to be a part of this fantastic trail of accomplishments, just contact me and include your idea and the location.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Dave's "The Time is Now" Tour will not be providing any funding toward your endeavor, but Dave will pay his own way as a participant wherever applicable. Hosting expectations are outlined in Dave's 2010 Bum Tour "note" on Facebook, or contact Dave directly for details.

Following the Tour

As dates and locations are added to the tour, they will be posted to this calendar. Blog posts will periodically chronicle tour stops and adventures. Go to August 2010 to see the current schedule.

Tour Schedule

Monday, July 26, 2010

Every day brings new...

Let's see, after a very short sleep, I woke up this morning to get my car serviced and ready for the big tour.  $500 later, I hope it is ready :-|  While waiting at the dealership, I discovered that my MacBook Pro battery had a problem--stopped off at a service center in Toledo and found out I have a defective battery. The problem is covered under warranty, but I really hope I get my laptop back before the tour starts (the new MacBook Pro uni-body design does not allow user-replacement of the battery). Ugh. So, any web stuff between now and then will need to be done from the iMac desktop.

I ran a buch of errands today, including Goodwill donations. Oh, I promised moving pictures. Hold on a minute...

OK, here are a couple of pictures from tonight:

The movers arrive in about 12 hours to haul out the furniture, washer, and dryer.  Tonight I'm making sure they can get to everything scheduled to depart.  I'll get the rest with a rental truck on Wednesday.

Also today, I updated the maps on my Garmin, so I'm GPS-ready for the tour. Additionally, I officially added a Jimmy Buffett concert to the tour on August 12 in PA! This is going to push my Arkansas visit around just a bit, but it should all work out.

I guess I should post my job search updates since they are bound (hopefully) to interfere with the tour. I scheduled a phone interview with MIT today--this Wednesday at 10:00am (right after I pick up the moving truck). Wednesday will be all sorts of fun!

Time to sign off--I have much to finish tonight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW! You did alright for yourself replacing a trip through the Girten-Campbell household with another Jimmy concert. Enjoy and we'll get something worked out to bring you through middle Tennessee. (ROUTING COMMENT REMOVED FROM ORIGINAL POST AFTER DOUBLE CHECKING THE CALENDAR.)

  3. Jamey, I'll keep you posted regarding August 13. Maybe the timing would work out to stop for a meal on the way to Arkansas. If not, we'll figure out something else.
